Buch // Art as Resitance – the american Issue

from the German project ›Kunst und Kampf‹ (Art and Struggle)

The author of this book was born in 1960 and has been active in the autonomous movemt since 1977. Most of the events described in this book are based on personal experiences. One problem that arose while creating the book was how to present the political context within which KuK was operation. A description of the autonomous movemtent in Germany in the 1980s would be largely incomprehensible without taking into consideration the previous developments of political resitstance. That led to the decision to include an outline of the history of the resistance movement from 1945 until the present. It creates a comprehensive look at history, one that clarifies the background of the autonomous movement.

Art as Resistance – the American Issue

translated by Clara Herzblut & Lawrence Jarach

Published 2015 by LBC Books
Paperback, 188 pages

mit zahlreichen SW- und einigen Farbabbildungen

Auflage 1.500 Exemplare

Preis: 20,00 €